Land Rover Richmond|5680 Parkwood Crescent, Richmond

4 Reasons to Buy a New RV

As much as we’d like them to, RVs don’t live forever. There will come a day when we lay our metal companions to rest. On the other hand, sometimes it’s just not the right fit anymore.

So how do you know when it’s time? There’s no one answer, but some things can act as hints.

Here are 4 reasons to buy a new RV:

1) Repairs Are Getting In The Way

You often find yourself worrying about your next RV repair. You’re spending more time waiting for repairs than you are on the road. Repair costs are starting to make you grimace more than it once did.

All vehicles experience more frequent repairs at some point in their life cycle. If fixing your RV time and again is getting to be too much, upgrading might be worth it. There’s nothing quite like the inner peace that comes with a trustworthy new vehicle.

2) Your Camping Style Has Changed

Are you spending most of your time at RV resorts and find yourself ignoring resort amenities (or your rig’s)? Are you falling in love with off-the-grid camping but find your RV’s features are lacking? Any change in where and when you regularly camp should prompt a re-evaluation of your setup. If your camping style has changed and you’re lamenting your rig’s features or floor plan, stopping by your local RV dealership might not be a bad idea.

3) Your Camping Crew Has Changed

Your behemoth rig was the perfect fit when you and your young ones hit the road years ago. Now that they’re grown up, it’s way too much space and maintenance for two people. Or maybe you bought the perfect little camper 10 years ago, but new additions to the family have made space tight. You might even be newly single after years of couple camping. These are all great reasons to start poking around the lot.

4) You’re Going Full-Time

Okay, this might have fit under number two, but this is such a big shift that we’re convinced it needs its own item. Occasional or even regular camping trips in the RV are very different from making your RV your 24-7-365 home base. The little camper that did the job for a weekend at the lake is not going to cut it when you’re on the road for weeks and months at a time. You should make sure you’re as close to 100% comfortable and satisfied in your rig as possible.

Think of all the home conveniences you put up with not having on short-term trips: You’re going to need to commit to losing them for good or invest in a rig that can solve those issues for you.

Either way, if you’re going full-time, your nearest RV dealership can help you get ready.

RV shopping can be a big event, and it’s easy to have a lot on your mind. Go to the experts with the knowledge and selection you need. Get in touch with GNR Camping World here.